Wednesday, March 18, 2015

True Life | I’m on the #SASearch #9

New Orleans Here I Come...
As I write this, I am sitting at the airport waiting for my plane to New Orleans. In a couple of hours, I will be at TPE and NASPA. The first few days I will be in NOLA, I will be at TPE then I am staying for the actual conference as well. 

When I registered for TPE, I started to receive interview requests for jobs not in my ideal location. Against my supervisor’s suggestions, I denied them all. Because of that, I only have one interview set up for TPE at the moment. I know that they say you’ll get more once you get there but it would have been nice to have maybe 2 or 3 set up ahead of time. It would have given me time to prep and to make sure I knew enough about the institution.  

Since I am very location restricted, there weren’t too many jobs available in the area I am looking for.  Plus, the jobs that they did have in the area were mostly res life or something else that wasn’t in one of the areas I was looking for. I’m hoping that while I’m down there, I find other jobs that I could possibly apply for. 

On another note, I made plans to move down with my partner the day after graduation. He got his one way flight for the weekend of graduation and then we are driving down to the DC area the day after. Since I decided to only search in that area (MD, VA & DC), I thought it would be easier to be living in the area than job searching from 6 hours away.  I’ve found a few more jobs that I am thinking of applying to in the area and will be once I get settled in NOLA. 

Other than that, there isn’t too much to report. It’s been kind of slow for the job searching so I’m hoping it will pick up soon. 

Once, I get settled into TPE and make it through the experience, I’ll report in and let you know how it all went!

Graduation Countdown= 59 Days

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