Thursday, April 9, 2015

True Life | I’m on the #SASearch #11

Random Rambling

I apologize in advance for this post. It’s kind of all over the place.

Random Ramble 1:
 I’m not sure if I had mentioned this previously, but I am someone who identifies as a biracial, person of color.  My boyfriend and my step son are both African American and they have to be considered in my search. Now, you may ask what this has to do with anything. Well when I was considering places to search, I had to consider the things going on in the news recently. I remember when I was getting ready for TPE, a school in St. Louis asked me to interview with them. I automatically said no. Not only was it out my region but there was too much going on there in which I would fear for the lives of my boyfriend and stepson. It’s just been something on my mind a lot lately. As of now, I haven’t heard too much about things going on in DC, Maryland or Massachusetts, which makes me happy.

Random Ramble 2:
I had previously posted that I planned on moving to DC right after graduation and continue to job search while over there. However, recently there were 2 jobs posted in Mass that were amazing. They’re two student activities jobs that peaked my interest. One is at a school where I previously interned at and the other is a school where I was going to intern at this semester. The plus side is that they are both paying what I said I wanted for my first job. The only issue and the reason I haven’t applied is that they are here and not in DC.

The reason I’m moving to DC is because I no longer want to be in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend. I would rather live in the same city as him than to be living 6 hours away. I asked him this morning if he thought I should apply to the job and if he would move up here if I got them and he said yes. However, I wouldn’t want him to leave his son in DC. So now, I am torn.

Random Ramble 3:
It seems as though my job search has come to a halt. There isn’t much going on in the DC/MD area in the areas where I am interested in. It kind of sucks because I see and hear people going to on-campus interviews and what not and I haven’t heard back from anything I’ve applied too. Some of my classmates already have a job which is great however, I wish I could have one too already. I know you’re not supposed to compare yourself to other people’s searches but it is hard not to.

Graduation Countdown= 37 Days!

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