Oh Happy Days!!!
I am so excited to share with you all the I received a job for the upcoming school year! Wahoo!! It feels so good to be done searching and know that my hard work has paid off.
It was an interesting process to say the least. I went to the Oshkosh Placement Exchange and interviewed with this school back in February, went to an on-campus in April, and now accepted a position this May! The process of receiving an offer over a phone call was something else too. I was so excited I screamed! I know super professional(sarcasm) but I was so excited! I probably scared the woman on the other end of the phone, but not enough to make her regret offering me a position. I'll be starting Mid-July so I will have time to enjoy my summer and soak up the sun before I move on to my new position and my third institution I have worked at.
A little more about the process: I received a phone call on Tuesday morning with the offer. After screaming in the employer's ear, I asked for time to consider the offer as I was very excited for the offer but wanted to really consider what I was going to be devoting myself to. I was given til Thursday to call back with my answer. I then set out to review the job description and clarify the position one more time. I also reviewed the benefits as I would now be moving off of my parent's insurance and onto my own. I looked also at the pros and cons list I had made on my way home from the on-campus visit. I called the office back first thing Thursday and accepted the offer verbally over the phone. Within the next day, I received an email with my written offer, I printed it and just mailed it back to the office yesterday(Monday)!
To all those still searching, keep your head up! I know my supervisor is still searching and she has been getting a lot of phone interviews and on-campus offers out there. The hiring process goes in waves so don't give up and keep looking for new openings as the summer is upon us and you never know what could happen!
To all my loyal readers out there, thank you for partaking in my experience and my first job search. It has been quite the experience and I'm glad I could share it with you!
You know you'd love to have a job! XOXO Graduate Girl
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