Following up.
Dotting your I's and crossing your T's
I decided that I needed to shift some of my focus from my work on to my school work as I have started to wind down towards graduation, completing papers, presenting projects, and finishing up with my Comprehensive Project. I've been so focused on my search that I started to lose motivation for school and staying on tasks. I was constantly searching postings and revising my resume to fit the perfect candidate. It is so easy to focus on one thing but I started to let my other responsibilities down so I've been putting the brakes on my search and focusing on graduating! Besides if I don't graduate, I can't move on to that new exciting job opportunity!A few things that I plan to do on my job search for this week yet is to reach out to those employers that I have been in contact with and see where they are at in their search. One of my co-workers shared with me an email that she sent out last week and it is golden! It doesn't push for an answer yet inquires where the employer is at with their search. Search processes are all different from the last so it helps to stay in constant contact so you know where you sit with employers. It is also important to know that some schools move faster than others, especially if they are very interested in a particular candidate. It is also important to not compare your search process with others because time lines vary for positions and schools and even regions. It is best to be honest with schools on where you are at with your search as well. I also think it is ethical to be yourself and if you are interested in a particular school to invest your time in their process, and be patient. If there is a school that is interested in you but you are not feeling them, it is important to tell them and not drag them along or further in there search process.
There are like six degrees of separation when it comes to Student Affairs. Yes, it is a BIG field but the professionals in the field also are relationship oriented so they know other professionals and interact with other professionals in the field. I think it makes a big statement if you have well known professionals working for your department. I think it is appropriate to reach out to those professionals in your department that you admire or makes you feel inspired and talk through your job search with you. They have been through the process and they remember how stressful and exciting it was. They are a bottomless bucket of wisdom and support waiting to assist you.
Patience has been important for me as well as staying positive. I know that I will end up with a job and I am confident in my abilities, where ever I will end up. I stay positive knowing that there is a plan for me and I will find the job and the school that will help me grow and develop as a new professional.
You know you love to wait! XOXO Graduate Girl
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