Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The New Girl #13

Roller Coaster of Emotions

If anyone ever told you job searching was easy, I would like to meet them and find out what their secret is. This past week has been a whirl-wind of emotions for me. I was offered a position but felt like I was rushed to make a decision so I turned it down, watched my co-workers get and accept their dream jobs at schools they really liked, learned one of my top schools had completed their search and now I have another on-campus interview with one of my other top schools. I've also had many things going on at work with some students I work directly with as well as finishing up my graduate program requirements before I can walk across that stage and get my diploma. Whew! I feel like Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen with so much to do and so little time.

The Job Search
Now I'm sure there are people out there that are dying for job offers that would have liked to give me a swift kick for turning down one, but, in all honesty, I just did not feel right accepting the offer. There was a gut feeling that I would do good but I wouldn't be entirely satisfied. It was almost like I was settling which is hard to say because I really enjoyed the staff that I met, the location was great and there were a few perks to the position that initially attracted me to the school. So some might say I turned down a good starting point but I am looking at it from what I am looking for in my next position and if I would be challenged there. It was also hard to say no when all my coworkers are celebrating their new jobs and I don't have one yet. I keep reminding myself that I need to only focus on my search and not others. This is not a race and come august, we both will have jobs so what does it matter who was hired first? I am focusing on my next on-campus interview and really digging in deep to see if this is the place for me or not. 

Balancing it All
With the job search, grad school, and work all competing priorities right now, I've really learned that I need to take time for myself. It takes a lot of energy out of a person when they are working over the supposedly "20 hours a week"- let's be honest, we all know that grad students with assistantships in Residence Life work way over 20 hours- trying to get their written comps finished, job search for their next position, and still have a social life or time to themselves. I've definitely started organizing my time more to include school time where I worked to finish my written comps- yes all 30 pages in the correct APA format! I've included "me time" as well where I either am feeling outgoing and go out to a movie or out to eat with friends or I stay at home in my apartment and stream TV online or do some arts and crafts to help take my mind off of work and things that are stressing me out.

Well with only a couple of days left before I graduate, I am learning how to wrap things up nicely and hopefully leave my current position on a good note for whoever will be here next year. I've been told that people remember what you do for a department during your time there, but their final impression of you is their memory of how you left the institution. 

You know you love saying good-bye! until next time...
XOXO Graduate Girl

Friday, April 17, 2015

True Life | I’m on the #SASearch #12


So during my random rambling last week, I forgot to mention that I had passed in my portfolio. My program requires us to do a portfolio that encompasses everything we’ve learned throughout our two years in the program. To pass our program and be able to walk the stage, we have to pass this portfolio.

This Monday, I went to meet with my professor to go over my portfolio. My professor had nothing but good things to say about my portfolio. She liked how I did mine in a crate instead of a binder like most of my classmates had done. My portfolio had 12 goals so there was a lot of evidence (papers, pictures, t-shirts, conference programs) inside of it. One of the things that stood out to me was that she said it was one of the best portfolios she had ever seen and that she actually wanted to show it to the dean. During our meeting, we also talked about my job search, my increase in confidence and just general life things. I always enjoy talking to her.

Also on Monday (it was an eventful day), I was talking to my boyfriend and he told me he wouldn’t mind living up here. Which through off all plans I was already making. I had already planned that I would be moving down to DC after graduation and that I would look for jobs in that area only. I had purposely not been applying to jobs in my area because of that plan. I’m not going to lie, I was kind of mad. However, I found jobs I could apply for up here as well. He wants me to apply to jobs in both areas and then we could figure out where we would be living once I get a job.  I guess it makes sense but it kind of sucked when he told me. I wanted a change of scenery so I had already figured I was moving.

On another note, I found a bunch of jobs that sound real good and sound like things I would be good in. There are some jobs here in Mass and some jobs in the DC area which gives me some hope and excitement. Other than that, my job search has been relatively slow. I haven’t heard back from any of the schools I’ve applied to which stinks. However, I know that most of the student affairs job search is a waiting game, so I have to be patient. I should be hearing back from the jobs I interviewed with at Career Central and TPE soon so if/when I do, I’ll let you know how that goes.

Graduation Countdown = 29 days!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The New Girl #12

Following up. 

Dotting your I's and crossing your T's

I decided that I needed to shift some of my focus from my work on to my school work as I have started to wind down towards graduation, completing papers, presenting projects, and finishing up with my Comprehensive Project. I've been so focused on my search that I started to lose motivation for school and staying on tasks. I was constantly searching postings and revising my resume to fit the perfect candidate. It is so easy to focus on one thing but I started to let my other responsibilities down so I've been putting the brakes on my search and focusing on graduating! Besides if I don't graduate, I can't move on to that new exciting job opportunity!

A few things that I plan to do on my job search for this week yet is to reach out to those employers that I have been in contact with and see where they are at in their search. One of my co-workers shared with me an email that she sent out last week and it is golden! It doesn't push for an answer yet inquires where the employer is at with their search. Search processes are all different from the last so it helps to stay in constant contact so you know where you sit with employers. It is also important to know that some schools move faster than others, especially if they are very interested in a particular candidate. It is also important to not compare your search process with others because time lines vary for positions and schools and even regions. It is best to be honest with schools on where you are at with your search as well. I also think it is ethical to be yourself and if you are interested in a particular school to invest your time in their process, and be patient. If there is a school that is interested in you but you are not feeling them, it is important to tell them and not drag them along or further in there search process.

There are like six degrees of separation when it comes to Student Affairs. Yes, it is a BIG field but the professionals in the field also are relationship oriented so they know other professionals and interact with other professionals in the field. I think it makes a big statement if you have well known professionals working for your department. I think it is appropriate to reach out to those professionals in your department that you admire or makes you feel inspired and talk through your job search with you. They have been through the process and they remember how stressful and exciting it was. They are a bottomless bucket of wisdom and support waiting to assist you.

Patience has been important for me as well as staying positive. I know that I will end up with a job and I am confident in my abilities, where ever I will end up. I stay positive knowing that there is a plan for me and I will find the job and the school that will help me grow and develop as a new professional.

You know you love to wait! XOXO Graduate Girl

Thursday, April 9, 2015

True Life | I’m on the #SASearch #11

Random Rambling

I apologize in advance for this post. It’s kind of all over the place.

Random Ramble 1:
 I’m not sure if I had mentioned this previously, but I am someone who identifies as a biracial, person of color.  My boyfriend and my step son are both African American and they have to be considered in my search. Now, you may ask what this has to do with anything. Well when I was considering places to search, I had to consider the things going on in the news recently. I remember when I was getting ready for TPE, a school in St. Louis asked me to interview with them. I automatically said no. Not only was it out my region but there was too much going on there in which I would fear for the lives of my boyfriend and stepson. It’s just been something on my mind a lot lately. As of now, I haven’t heard too much about things going on in DC, Maryland or Massachusetts, which makes me happy.

Random Ramble 2:
I had previously posted that I planned on moving to DC right after graduation and continue to job search while over there. However, recently there were 2 jobs posted in Mass that were amazing. They’re two student activities jobs that peaked my interest. One is at a school where I previously interned at and the other is a school where I was going to intern at this semester. The plus side is that they are both paying what I said I wanted for my first job. The only issue and the reason I haven’t applied is that they are here and not in DC.

The reason I’m moving to DC is because I no longer want to be in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend. I would rather live in the same city as him than to be living 6 hours away. I asked him this morning if he thought I should apply to the job and if he would move up here if I got them and he said yes. However, I wouldn’t want him to leave his son in DC. So now, I am torn.

Random Ramble 3:
It seems as though my job search has come to a halt. There isn’t much going on in the DC/MD area in the areas where I am interested in. It kind of sucks because I see and hear people going to on-campus interviews and what not and I haven’t heard back from anything I’ve applied too. Some of my classmates already have a job which is great however, I wish I could have one too already. I know you’re not supposed to compare yourself to other people’s searches but it is hard not to.

Graduation Countdown= 37 Days!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The New Girl #11

Research, Research, Research....

I have been doing research nonstop on these schools that I am interested in. I'm also trying to find the balance in asking questions or making comments to show that I have done my research when talking with those who work at that institution. I've also been doing research on just plain interviewing. Recently I was thinking about Google after seeing the movie "The Internship"and was doing some research on their hiring process and found some interesting articles.  One article was titled, "Google HR boss shares the company's 4 rules for hiring exceptional employees" and told employers to set an uncompromisable high standard, find their own candidates, put checks in place to assess candidates objectively, and provide candidates with a reason to join. After reading through the listed suggestions, I was actually starting to panic then I saw a link to another article and after one click, I was on to the next Google article and the next until I found one that sparked my interest. 

Google HR boss says you can win every interview with these 6 steps
Alright author, you have my attention... What do you got for me? Something that I immediately related to was that first impressions are important. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. The six tips were also helpful and made me prep even more for certain positions I had applied to. The lesson I took away was plain and simple - practice. It is better to be prepared than to sit in a room with people looking at you waiting for an answer or to talk in circles and forget what the questions was even about.

Something I have started doing recently is asking myself in the beginning of the day, "What am I all going to accomplish today?" It helps me focus between finishing up Grad School, completing my daily tasks at work, and still stay on track for my job search. At the end of the day I ask myself, "What did I all accomplish? What do I need to focus on tomorrow?" This helps me stay focused and balance when it comes to the multiple tasks I have on my plate!

Until next week my fellow friends, You know you love to do research! XOXO Graduate Girl