Saturday, February 21, 2015

True Life | I’m on the #SASearch #6

Mock Phone Interviews

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned that I am going to both ACPA and TPE/NASPA next month. Both associations have been offering job search help and I’ve been taking full advantage of both. ACPA has offered mock phone interviews and since interviewing is what I am most nervous about, I signed myself up.

The mock interview happened yesterday. I was originally trying to find an office at my mom’s job that I could use but seeing as though my mother is not at work at the moment, that wasn’t going to work. We have a walk-in closet room at my house so I set up shop in there. Before the call, I set everything up. I had my resume with me, some flashcards and a notebook to take some notes. When the lady called, I instantly got nervous. However, right from the start, she had me talking and laughing so I got really comfortable. We chit chatted for a minute or two and then she started the interview. She told me to pretend it was for a Student Athlete Advising job.

The first question she asked was “tell me about yourself” (technically not a question) but it is the most common interview question.  I had recently read an article that taught you how to answer this question in five parts. It stated that the answer should be no shorter than 2 minutes but no longer than 3 minutes. The five parts included professional achievements, educational achievements, applicable skills, professional goals and finally, why the company (school in our case). I found this to be really useful when I was thinking about my answer.

She asked me 16 questions in total. I tried to write them all down so I could be prepared for them in the future. Some of the questions she asked included:
What kind of office type do I work in best?
Tell me about a theory to practice experience
What are 3 of your strengths?
What are some issues facing student athletes?
Why am I the ideal candidate for the position?
Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult student.

The last question she asked through me off because I was not ready for it at all. She asked “Is there a question you were expecting us to ask that we didn’t. If so, what is the question and what would be the answer?” I froze up. Luckily for me, it wasn’t a real interview because I started laughing when I couldn’t think of anything.  She said that question is a chance for me to tell them something about myself that I hadn’t already. So the question would be “What haven’t you gotten to tell us that we should know about you?” She said I could use this opportunity to set myself out from other candidates. She said if I couldn’t think of anything, I could always ask a clarifying question.

After the interview she gave me some feedback. She said I did a great job and that the answers I gave were really good. I asked about my speed since I am a very fast talker and she said she didn’t have any trouble understanding me. She also said that if I had filler words (uhm, I think, etc.) that she didn’t catch them and that they weren’t distracting.

When we got off the phone, I was very pleased with what had just happened. For being as nervous as I am, I was able to pull through and give a good interview. To continue to prepare, I’ve gotten some index cards and wrote common questions on them. On the lined side, I’m writing bullet points for my answers. I know you’re not supposed to sound scripted but if I can at least have some flash cards to practice, then I think I should be fine.

Graduation Countdown = 83 days

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The New Girl #6

Can it be True? Is this Happening??

I did it everyone. I applied for my first position outside of the Residential Life department. And guess what department it is with... Athletics! I'm super nervous about it but super excited too. I was a student athlete at my undergraduate institution for four years and absolutely loved the environment. I have always had a love for sports and I would be so enthusiastic and driven if I would have the opportunity to return to athletics. Here are a few things my mind is weighing on.

Required vs Preferred Qualifications-
I see this as a measurement for Candidates. If you have the required qualifications, you are hire-able from a Human Resources perspective.  If you have the preferred qualifications, you are a desirable candidate from the employers' perspective. Should it stop a person from applying if they do not have the preferred qualifications? I think it should not because if a candidate has the required qualifications, they have the necessary education and skills needed to fulfill the role. Besides, what is the worst that could happen from applying - you don't get the job. But the best thing that could happen, you can blow their socks off in the interviews and be hired for the job. 

Experiences vary and I think being able to communicate your experiences and how they have shaped you into the professional you are, will help the employer know if you are indeed qualified for the position.

Starting Salary based on commensurate experience. Competitive salary and benefits package
I understand why this phrase is posted instead of just a dollar amount but I find it to be frustrating a times. Especially if you are moving from a different state and will need to afford housing in a new city. I started looking up apartments in the area but I don't know the salary range so it's hard to even comprehend if I will end up on the high level of comfortable living or if I will be living in student apartment off-campus housing with my college neighbors partying every Thursday night. 

I've also noticed that I feel a lot of stress coming on from my job search so I'm trying a few things to keep me motivated and positive. Besides staying organized, managing my time and prioritizing, I have started exercising on a daily basis. As you have hear before, exercising immediately improves your mood with those little endorphins that make you happy. I've also started listening to radio online in my office at my desk. My favorite one is K-love radio because it is so inspirational and uplifting. I tell myself to work hard for two songs and then I can check my email or just get up and walk to the water fountain for a drink. Those small rewards help me keep going through my long days. And last but not least, I remind myself to be grateful. I try to be happy and grateful for the opportunities that I have had. Not everyone has been able to do what I have accomplished and not everyone has been able to do what you have been through. I try to be friendly to everyone I encounter and at least say "hi" or "have a great day". Making others happy leads me to being happy I have discovered so I continually try to be bubbly and positive even when I am overwhelmed with papers up to my ears on my desk, piling higher every day it seems like. So whatever it is that makes you happy, use that to keep you motivated for your job search and just know in the end, you will end up where you are meant to be. Keep reaching for the stars and shooting for the moon because the sky is the limit my friends. 

You know you love the job search! XOXO Graduate Girl

Monday, February 16, 2015

True Life | I’m on the #SASearch #5

Life is a whirlwind.

Sorry, for not posting last week. These last two weeks have been crazy. Please don’t mind that this post might be slightly scrambled, it’s currently how my brain is lol.

Last week, I went to a conference at a local college. It was a day conference sponsored by several associations. The conference in general was really good. The keynote speaker was great and so were the presentations I was able to attend. One of the things that the conference offered was mock interviews. I signed up of course and when it was time for them to start, I was the first one called. I was so nervous.

However, the lady that interviewed me gave me some great tips. One of the things she noticed was that I nod my head while I’m listening. It was something I didn’t even notice I did. She said I could mention it so that they won’t get distracted by it. She also mentioned that I have an unique look and a great laugh and to showcase both in my interviews.

In regards to answering questions, she said that I did better as the time went on since I was clearly nervous.She said my varied experiences would be great in an interview if I told them in the right method and pulled them together to fit the needs of the job.  I left the mock interview in great spirits. I know I have to practice some answers to the common answers but I know I’ll be good.

On another note, my mother had a heart attack this weekend and ended up in the hospital all weekend. That messed me up. I obviously was a mess and couldn’t think straight. It made me question moving away to the DMV area. The nurse laughed at me when mom told her I was moving away. She said “You won’t leave your mom for 5 minutes to get some food and you think you’re moving to DC?” It was funny cause it was kind of true. However, if you know my mother, you would know that if I stayed in the area and didn’t leave because of her, she would be mad at me. She’s all for me leaving and starting my own life. (That or she has plans with my room  I told her I would come see her at least once a month just to make sure she was okay.

I’ve found about 5 or so jobs that seem to match something I would be interested in. They are all in the DMV area. I’m going to work on those jobs and apply to the ones I really like. I'll let you know how those go soon. 

Graduation Countdown = 88 days

Monday, February 9, 2015

The New Girl #5

Interviews, Check.. Travel Arrangements, Check.. Who I'll be working with next year... Ummm? 

In less than three weeks, I will be at the Oshkosh Placement Exchange. I'm traveling with some other colleagues from my institution and I checked in to see how many interviews they had set up. One had four, one had there is quite a range of interviews one can set up as you can see. I currently have nine interviews set up and I'm really excited. I have a school from Ohio, Nebraska, Washington, Minnesota, Georgia, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Kansas! 

I guess you can say I have a pretty good chance of staying in the Midwest. And when I asked my colleagues who they were interviewing with, we had some of the same schools! At first, I was scared. They would probably get the job over me I thought, but then I realized, we could be co-workers again! I became excited and suddenly I wasn't dreading the interviews as much. Now I'm even more excited because I love my co-workers. I would love to continue working with them. Everyone had people that they hate working with but also those who they enjoy working with! I would love to continue working with my current supervisor. I told her we should interview together and have the tag line "Two for one" deal.  

I know many listings describe the kind of work that is expected from you but it doesn't tell you one thing- the people you will be working with. I've become to think of some co-workers as family. They have been there when I needed to vent, when I needed a shoulder to cry on, when I needed to go see a movie and couldn't go by myself, or when I wanted to go to a football game and again, I couldn't go by myself! (My parents were big on the buddy system if you couldn't tell.)

I'm excited to interview with these schools, but I'm more excited to meet the individuals that I will be working with. I will most likely be seeing them on a daily basis around campus, working on committees with them, traveling to conferences and sharing ideas or knowledge with them. I also will get to interact with them outside of the job by going to movies, shopping for programs (almost outside of work haha), going to athletic events on campus, trivia nights at Applebees, and others. 

So how do I know which school will be the right school? I guess I'll have to develop those questions or look them up on Pinterest. I did already find this little set of questions off of Student Affairs 360 that gives some prep questions for free. Check it out: - -> here <- -   Let me know if you all find some good resources or questions that helped you out!

You know you love the job search! XOXO Graduate Girl

Monday, February 2, 2015

The New Girl #4

Ready... Set... Action

Freeze, so I had a video interview right. Here's how it went: HORRIBLE..

If Simon Cowell were there he would have thrown something at me and walked out of the room. Yes it was that bad..

So let me relive this with you so I don't repeat myself again. You learn from your mistakes right?

 So an institution from out west requested a video interview with me. I have had Skype interviews so I thought, "Okay, I got this." They send me a link for me to create my profile account and log in credentials and they send me an e-invite. I add them and click around to look at their profile and try to connect my computer so everything is set up for my interview. Suddenly it goes straight into the interview! So here I am sitting in my sweats on a Sunday night about to be video recorded with my hair sticking straight up in a ponytail and no make-up on. In the background is my unmade bed and personal paintings and family pictures and a huge Lady Antebellum poster on the wall.  Problem #1 - Clothes. Personal Appearance. Background. 

I quickly pull my hair down and try to make myself more presentable. My school zip up was ripped off the back of my chair and quickly thrown on and zipped up. I had school pride going for me at least! I adjust my computer screen so now it is mainly a window with the shades drawn behind me.

First the directions are scrolling up the screen and I'm scanning them. The question will appear on the screen and then I have two minutes to read it, one minute to think of my response before the computer starts automatically filming me. "Okay. Not a big deal. I can do this now" I think to myself.

First Question. "Tell us about yourself" - Seriously? I hate.. wait, no, I loathe this question. What do you want to know about me? My life story - I doubt it. How I broke my wrist falling down stairs - hilarious but I doubt that is what they are looking for. The question is so vague and can be very judgmental based on differing perspectives if you discuss political views or religious beliefs which should never be shared in an interview I have been informed. So back to the question, I do what anyone else does when they are asked to talk about themselves - I retreat to my resume. I was involved in this and have experience in that. Not my best answer.

Next Question. “What influenced you to choose this career?” Yes, this question I got! I know why I wanted to go into Student Affairs since I was a resident assistant.
There were a couple other questions that I stumbled through that related to what type of supervisor do I work best with, what aspects do you bring to a team, and explaining a situation where I had done more than what was expected.  

The one question where I sat on a fence and could not decide was “Which is more important: creativity or efficiency? Why?” I’m curious to know what you all think. Which is more important? I’ll share my answer with you all next week!

Until then, you know you love the job search! XOXO, Graduate Girl

Sunday, February 1, 2015

True Life | I’m on the #SASearch #4

First job down

I just applied to my first job. Finally right?! But let me tell you, it almost didn’t happen. Let me tell you the story.

So last night, I went to finish the cover letter for another job I had previously found. I had been working on the cover letter, but you know how that goes. I was stuck so I hadn’t finished it. So, I went to go back to the listing and guess what? It was gone (sounds familiar right).  So of course last night I was mad. But it didn’t last too long.

I went back on my list of possible jobs and found another one I applied to. Having the fuel from being mad, I was able to write a cover letter and tweak my resume for the job. I had my mom reread my cover letter and the job posting to make sure I hit all the bases. She liked it so I knew it was okay. I felt confident going into applying.

This morning, I had her reread it (you can never be too sure).  I go on the site and start my application process. I fill out all the preliminary questions and go to upload my resume. So I click the document I want to add and then click that I have more documents to upload. As I’m uploading what is supposed to be my cover letter, I realize I uploaded my cover letter instead of my resume. Now, I start panicking. I’m like “Mom, I made a mistake.”, except I wasn’t too calm about it because the nerves of applying to my first job have taken over. I’m freaking out. I tried to go back and it wouldn’t let me. So now, I’m thinking I have to withdraw my application. I mean, I can’t apply with the wrong documents because that would show I don’t pay attention to detail, right? So I go to withdraw my app and it says once you withdraw you can’t reapply. So now I’m stuck because I really like this job but again, I can’t apply with the lack of attention to detail.

My idea to fix it was that I was going to just upload another document with the correct resume and cover letter ad have it show that I had two resumes and hope for the best. However, when I went to go put my new resume, it updated the one I had originally uploaded and then I was allowed to upload my cover letter as well.

The moral of the story is to not stress the little things. I was super upset about something that was an easy fix and all I had to do was take a deep breath and reupload my resume.

On a brighter note, I actually applied to my first job!!! It was a position within the multicultural affairs department at a school within an hour and a half from my mom. The job has to do with programming and working with underrepresented students. It seems like a job I would love to do. I’ve been to the city that the school is located in before and I loved it so that’s definitely a plus. I’m really excited I applied (even with the mess ups).

Graduation Countdown = 103 days